The Community Scholarship is available to any graduating students living in Drayton Valley or Breton that have been accepted to an Accredited post secondary institute.

The Community Scholarship Trust Society is a non-profit community organization with a goal of providing scholarships to all students who graduate from Frank Maddock High School, Breton High School, Holy Trinity Academy or Drayton Valley Community Outreach School. Students must enroll in and attend a post secondary institution. Scholarships of $1,000.00 will be available to all qualified applicants due to the support of local and out of town businesses, fundraising organizations that choose to raise funds to assist CSTS, parents, students, and other interested individuals, combined with the efforts and dedication of the volunteer Board of Directors.

Payment of Awards will occur after October.

Post secondary institutions include Universities, Colleges, Technical and Trade Schools. Enrollment in an apprenticeship is regarded as post secondary education.

*Our by-laws state that each qualifying graduate has 27 months to apply for this scholarship from the date of graduation.
